Redstone Art Foundation Labor Day Art Show Hastypearl

Redstone Art Foundation Labor Day Art Show


I was happy to again participate in the

Annual Labor Day Redstone Foundation Art Show this year.

I pinch myself frankly, to be included in a very esteemed group of artists.

The community of Redstone, Colorado is small, but mighty.

The “machine” of volunteers makes the whole thing possible.

The real focus and winners in the event are the high school art students,

continuing on to higher art school pursuits

who are recipients of the scholarship moneys raised

by a donated portion of art sales.

When I speak to young artists about my work,

its exciting to see their enthusiasm for art

and I feel a leap in my heart for the amazing things

that they will learn at university!


I often make a new name tag for myself,

so I was asked to make tags for all of the artists.

It was so fun for me to do in studio, as I looked forward to the event.

This year, we enjoyed the new president of the association…

Jimmie Benedict.

She did a fantastic job of pulling the whole thing off!

Thanks, Jimmie ๐Ÿ™‚


It has always been the nature of my personality

to make/create a wild array of pieces!

I’ve never been able to stay content just doing the same thing over and over ๐Ÿ™‚

So, some artists arrived to the show

with a few large pieces, hung them and were done in minutes.

My typical “mercantile” is more complicated

and takes a LONG time to set up.

While I figured out some time saving steps from

last years experience to quicken the pace,

I still COULDNT do it without Larry.

Before we leave Texas,

I have the whole thing laid out and packed accordingly.

Then when we get there, I point, and he puts a screw in the beautiful panels

and we clip along at break neck speed!


I had a fresh batch of angels for the show as seen below.

One of my favorite sales was a young woman

that litterally slid into my space as we were opening and snatched up

a teal and read angel that sported the vintage letterpress letters, SING !

She said that she missed out on buying an angel last year,

and wasn’t going to this year.

Believe me, those kinds of stories stick with you!

Am I right, artists? ๐Ÿ™‚


This year, my finial birds morphed a bit.

In a studio “conversation”,

I’m sure that I heard the birds say that they wanted to go this year,

dressed in masquerade!

It was fun turning them into all kinds of characters!

Maybe, I will do a special Finial Bird blog posting,

so that you can see what some of them looked like!


Of course, there was a whole new village of Hinge Cottages.

I loveย making them!

As I tell people, they are completely time consuming

…but my imagination goes on while Im creating.

Sometimes, I swear I hear little giggles coming out of them at night ๐Ÿ™‚


(I will soon be listing my art here at Im still working on the mechanics of that:)

If you’ve ever done an Art Show, or really any kind of sales as so many already know, these events are an incredible amount of work. I have so much respect for people who do them on an ongoing basis.

The creating, planning, arranging, transporting never ends in your mind.

But when its happening, its rewarding to meet the people in the community, hear their stories, be with fellow creatives, and just pinch yourself that its happening to you.

I hope that I don’t Ever Take This Time In My Life For Granted!

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In the end, the beauty of the Redstone, Colorado and the people in the community,

seduced us a LONG time ago.

I hope that you will put the Art Show on your bucket list for next year.

I promise that you won’t regret it!!

Thanks for stopping by…

Best as always…Laura aka Hastypearl

…please take a moment to sign up to receive notices of my postings and upcoming Hastypearl Newsletters. I’d love to meet you here again and again ๐Ÿ™‚




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